Monday, February 9, 2009

In the beginning...

Goldwater is actually an idea I've been kicking around since the mid 90's, and found it's start in several unrelated sources. First off, the UFO tide was riding REALLY high back then, and a lot of this is my thoughts on what did (or didn't) happen at Roswell, New Mexico, tho the specifics of Goldwater are based off an EARLIER ufo crash story at Aztec, New Mexico (which didn't get nearly as much press). The story of the Aztec crash rose and fell rather quickly back in the 50's and was promptly forgotten. So I was thinking, what would it be like if suddenly fllods of people just showed up in your hometown and informed you that there was a flying saucer "incident" there 80 years before? No proof (other than speculation) and certainly no one in town remembered such a thing, but these folks were not to be dissuaded.

While no one in town believes ANY of this, they MORE than happy to take in the tourist dollars of true believers from across the globe, hampered by the infuriatingly honest civil government. The Mayor and City Council know a good thing when they see it, and have made it VERY clear that any attempt to outright scam the tourist will be dealt with harshly. The main story centers around 3 gals at the center of all this. Teela Smothers is a local girl, who's known only the good life that the UFO frenzy has provided, Donna Plympton is a serious UFO researcher reluctantly doing a book on Goldwater to pay off a MASSIVE debt, and Prentice "Spencer" Uchiyama is a runaway who just ends up in Goldwater by chance.


  1. Neat idea! Has lots of comedy potential as well.

  2. Actually that sounds pretty damn good, I may have missed this but are you actually planning on creating this, or are you just shooting the concept out there?
